Add the same superpowers to your decision-making
trusted by 500+ organizations
In numbers, we should trust
01. Fast, Agile, Flexible
Financial models that can answer business & operational questions are essential if trying to make decisions rather than just being meant for a single purpose.
02. Turbo-charged
Financial models that are capable of being used to predict future course of action and simulate decisions into the future so you can see them play out over time.
03. Custom-built
Every model is built 100% grounds-up. No templates. The only thing carried forward is the body of analytical tools that can useful in making decisions.
Trusted by some of the world's best organizations
Make decisions faster than ever before
Join the
Best of the Best
that chose to work use our award-winning models
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with experience of over a decade in business finance & investment banking
with enterprise valuations that range from $1 Mn to $1 Bn including funds themselves
Seed to
with organizations that include listed companies, unicorns to idea-stage start-ups
with organizations that include listed companies, unicorns to idea-stage start-ups
Who is this built for?
If you wish to be able to create financial forecasts, understand the cost of different strategies, create a more compelling narrative, simulate different scenarios, decide on the most attractive funding storyline or benchmark against comparable organizations.
If you wish to be able to simulate different decisions, create forecasts for your organization, evaluate planning scenarios, breakdown organizational goals to operational indicators, enroll teams or evaluate impact of strategies on TSR.
If you wish to be able to simulate different decisions, evaluate sensitivity to different variables or assumptions, evaluate return scenarios, provide proactive guidance on imperatives to a founder, establish guardrails or better-fit benchmarks.
Custom-built. Ridiculousy smart.
Models that are built to simulate environments and specifically for decision-making can help you take smarter & more well-informed long-term decisions in minutes.
M&A /
Evaluate the financial impact of a transaction on the business performance.
Enumerate the synergies and costs of proceeding with a capital decision.
Understand how your business is actually performing in relation to business metrics.
See if your competitive advantage expands or contracts with your strategies.
Understand the impact of your pricing strategy and its impact on your future cash flow needs.
Make important decisions using a value-based pricing approach that the best in world use.
Understand the impact of your pricing strategy and its impact on your future cash flow needs.
Make important decisions using a value-based pricing approach that the best in world use.
Get answers to unique questions you want your financial performance to answer.
Make smarter choices for scenarios and inflection points to stay ahead of the curve.
Understand how much money you actually need and at what valuation thresholds.
Define your operating strategies and forecast their impact over your planning period.
Evaluate the financial impact of a transaction on the business performance.
Enumerate the synergies and costs of proceeding with a capital decision.
Operating models
Understand how your business is actually performing in relation to business metrics.
See if your competitive advantage expands or contracts with your strategies.
Business Planning
Understand the real value of a business and its ability to generate sustained cash flows.
Evaluate strategic choices and spark conversations on how promoters can be prepared.
Pricing decisions
Understand the impact of your pricing strategy and its impact on your future cash flow needs.
Make important decisions using a value-based pricing approach that the best in world use.
Special Situations
Get answers to unique questions you want your financial performance to answer.
Make smarter choices for scenarios and inflection points to stay ahead of the curve.
Portfolio of
Richard Heiman
CEO at Mikron
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